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Market Entry

Market Entry

We help you to successfully to start and run your business in Germany. ConceptTax Dortmund GmbH has defined a tailored Market Entry Framework specifically meeting the requirements of international organizations planning to approach the German market.

  • Market potential in Germany.
  • Adapting products or services for the German market.
  • Location selection.
  • Financial planning.
  • Start-up formalities.
  • Business plan.
  • Choice of legal form and tax overwiev.
  • Business process design.
  • Managing German partner(s).
  • Local operations.

We know extremely well what companies need to do best when the objective is to enter the German. Our expertise will help you to match your market entry strategy to your individual long-term objectives. ConceptTax Dortmund GmbH is committed to supporting our customers right in the early stages of the market entry approach. Our competence centre for corporate strategy will help you to achieve transparency and to keep the risk to a minimum.